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Image of the Day

The images that appear in the "Image of the Day" are selected for the freshness of their views on Brain Mapping, their esthetic appeal, their quirkiness, or someimes just to prod you into thinking about the field and its context. Their appearance here is not an endorsement of their subject matter.

Zernov's Encephalometer

The first prototype of a stereotaxic instrument was conceived and designed in 1889 by Dmitrii Zernov (1843-1917) - a professor of anatomy at Moscow University. His invention was based upon the similarity of the shape of cranium and brain to the terrestrial globe. This resulted in a real geographical atlas of the human brain, where each cerebral structure was expressed in the degrees of longitude and latitude. Zernov wrote: "I built an instrument which enables to project the pattern of cranial sutures or cerebral sulci or deep-seated brain structures on the spherical surface and then transform it onto the plane similar to the projection of the terrestrial globe on the map. The localisation of a given point on the brain surface is determined by the degrees of latitude and longitude."

For more information on this image, visit: [ This Link ]

Submitted by: Mark Cohen

About the Image of the Day

The image of the day appears on the home page of Brainmapping.ORG and is selected automatically from among those submitted by our registered users. If you have a picture you would like to share that represents work or interest in brainmapping, simply use the form below to upload it.
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