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Gonzalo M. Rojas

Institute of Neurosurgery Dr. Asenjo

Department of Laboratory of Medical Image Processing, Service of Neuroradiology, Institute of Neurosurgery Dr. Asenjo
Av. Jose Manuel Infante 553, Providencia

Santiago, 7500691
569 97771785

Gonzalo Rojas's Website
USACH (not updated very often)
NIH Biosketch
NSF Biosketch

Image data fusion; Image fusion; Data consolidation; Color data fusion; Parkinson disease; MRI; SIRRIM; PSP; substantia nigra; segmented inversion recovery ratio imaging; multiple sclerosis (MS); MS lesion load; cortical activity; fMRI; tractography; DTI

My research interest are: i) Presymptomatic detection of sporadic Parkinson disease and PSP using Inversion Recovery MRI sequences, ii) fMRI: neurosurgery and clinical use, iii) image fusion, iv) tractography postprocessing techniques, v) tractography: neurosurgery and clinical use.

I sincerely apologize that we have a long-standing and unresolved problem that users are unable to modify the database contents using their logins and passwords. I hope that we can fix this problem soon. In the meantime, I will try to do this manually as best I can.

-- Mark Cohen

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